We are going through a critical phase in Brazil and in the world with the pandemic and the need for quarantine and social detachment at different levels. Some regions of Brazil are in more advanced stages when leaving quarantine and will start planning training and outdoor sports activities.

As cricket is a non-contact sport that involves individual disciplines in a team environment, the forms of the game can be played with respect for social distance.

We will continue to be led by councils from the Brazilian health government and local authorities and will only enter into social detachment training when guidance permits and when it is medically safe to do so.

Below is a summary of outdoor cricket activity:

We must, but only limit ourselves to these steps:

  • For all activities, the social distance of at least two meters must be maintained at all times (except between members of the same household).
  • Playing cricket individually is allowed, eg. practice of individual cricket skills or physical activities
  • It is allowed to play cricket with people who live in your home.
  • Cricket activities in small groups, training or fitness in groups of no more than eight (8), are allowed, keeping two (2) meters apart at all times.
  • Sanitary facilities can be opened if the location so desires, but special care must be taken with who uses them and who cleans them. Where they are open, sites must ensure the supply of soap and water and they are cleaned regularly.
  • We recommend using your own equipment, if possible. If the equipment is being shared, make sure it is cleaned after use at all times.
  • No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball at any time.
  • Wash your hands at home before and after using outside facilities. Bring your own hand sanitizer whenever possible.

We also recommend that they ensure compliance with the maximum number of players according to the percentage of the maximum recommended capacity. The number of people will depend on the open training area and cannot exceed the recommended maximum.

The most important thing is to ensure that players, coaches are safe and have the resources to protect themselves during any sports practice during the quarantine exit phases.

It is important to note that:

  • if you have any symptoms, do not leave the house and look for the nearest health center.
  • If you are not comfortable with the security measures and current condition of your region, you have every right not to attend the training and activities stipulated by your club. It is important that you feel safe and comfortable in carrying out any activity.

Contact your club for more information.

Stay safe!

Board of Directors, Cricket Brasil