On the 2nd of December the Cricket players from Brasília got together to play the last game of the year and the fraternization of the cricket family.

São Pedro was not cooperating and a drizzle insisted on falling, even so the athletes and guests went to the Nipo club to honor the event. And it is not that the rain stopped and sports lovers played a mixed game of 12 overs.

After the game everyone savored the different foods that each one had taken to contribute.

ABRAC directors Anthony Joseph and Victor Poubel, who have always supported all initiatives in favor of sport, presented a significant summary of the activities undertaken highlighting the projects for the coming year. Then they made the traditional delivery of the award to the best athletes of 2018.

ABRAC Spirit of Cricket 2018 – Renata Coelho

ABRAC Athlete Revelation 2018 – Rian Gonzaga

ABRAC Player of the year 2018 – Denise Souza

ABRAC MVP (Much Will and Participation) 2018 – Ana Carolina Ferreira

The cricket family got together and presented the dear couple Anthony and Lucyanna, who will soon be parents with lots of treats for Luan, who has already been chosen as our future mascot.

It should be noted that representatives of the Embassy of Guyana honored us with their presence and participation, further brightening the event.

In the early afternoon, the sun was shining and the participants returned to the field to exercise even more in a relaxed atmosphere of pure fun and friendship!

2019 comes with lots of news and a lot of cricket in the Federal District !!!