Brazilian team U13 and U17 represented in the sports media
Cricket Project Poços de Caldas is news in the city’s newspapers.
The future of Cricket Poços de Caldas and Cricket Brasil is here!
Congratulations to all the boys who represented our beloved Brazilian team, with a lot of struggle, a lot of love and dedication in the South American Championship M13 and M17 of Cricket.
We’re just getting started – there’s a lot to come yet!
Pride of our “Pandinhas”! Congratulations to coaches Matt Featherstone, Rick Avery and Felippe Alexandre for the dedication and work put into these teams.
Check transcript of the report below, from the Mantiqueira newspaper:
Boys from Poços are beautiful in South American Argentina
Poços de Caldas, MG – The boys who left Poços de Caldas last week for the South American Cricket, played in Buenos Aires, Argentina, are back with their luggage full of good results. Although everyone made their first international trip, they did not feel the weight of responsibility and represented Brazil brilliantly. The U-13 team was in third place, making a great championship and losing the place in the final by very little. The U-17 team managed to qualify for the final and finished as runner-up.
Mantiqueira talked to professor Matt Featherstone who was delighted with the result. According to him, the boys from Poços showed great value and were close to being champions. “It was all very good, our players performed better than we did, and even they expected it. There was very little left for the South American title in the under-17. They had an impressive performance and are to be congratulated. The U-13 team played a lot and I believe they had a little bad luck. They lost the spot to the final of the last point of the game and therefore finished third. The balance was very positive because they presented a quality of game that we liked very much ”, said Featherstone.
With the results achieved in Buenos Aires, Featherstone believes that the mood from now on will be greater. “These boys are from different projects in the city and I believe that their good performance will encourage other players who will certainly want to be part of the team on the next trip,” said Featherstone. The next South American will take place in Lima, Peru, in 2015.
In the competition in Buenos Aires, the team from Brazil still won the two main prizes of the event. Luiz Felipe, known as Chipinho, was the best wicketkeeper. Gabriel Oliveira won the award for best pitcher.
The Brazil team had the support of Nosso Pão, Bento Gonçalves Imóveis, Paris Modas, Pengel, Monreale and Elos Consultoria. The team took boys from the Jardim Kennedy, Municipal, Bem Viver, Casa do Menor, Municipal Park projects. The cricket project in the city also has the support of the Municipal Sports Secretariat and the Associação Atlética Caldense.”