Winter. Blue sky. Sunny Day in Brasilia.

Perfect setting for yet another Ambassadors Game, completing the 18th edition of the traditional event in the capital of Brazil!

The Event was organized by Abrac and the team from England was captained by Richard Avery, and although the UK Ambassador Vijay Rangarajan was unable to participate, we had the presence of Gustavo Soares in the English team. And on the Australian side, the team was led by Andrew Crawford and was attended by Tim Kane in the delivery of players’ shirts and caps. Richard won the toss and decided to score in the first innings.

The team had the female presence with Roberta Avery and Renata Sousa in the UK team, and Denise Souza in the Australia team.

See below the details of the Game:

Ambassadors Match 2019

UK Embassy won by 14 races

Highlights: Rudy Hartmann 51 *, Greigor Caisley 46, Richard Avery 6-0-28-2, James Howsaw 5-0-27-2

Best Australian Player: Andrew Edge

Best Match Player: Rudy Hartmann

With this victory, the Embassy of the United Kingdom diminished the advantage that the Embassy of Australia still has in the event. The Aussies have already had 10 victories while the British now have 8!

The award included the announcement of Clube 500, an initiative of the Brazilian Cricket Association that raises funds by selling personalized Cricket Brasil wallets. The wallets are made in England in leather with inspiration from a cricket ball.

For more information about the 500 Club, contact Matt Featherstone,