Cricket Law Changes in 2017
MCC announced specific limitations on the size of cricket bats that will be included in the new Code of Laws, which will be put into practice in professional cricket in October 2017 (with an adaptation period for amateur cricket).
- Limitations on club size will become a Law, forms of elimination will be reduced and the language of the Laws will be appropriate for both genders.
- Batters will be protected from “club bounce” at run outs , while field punishments may be applied for inappropriate player behavior.
- New Code of Laws will be the first to be published since 2000.
After the new Code was published on October 1, 2017, the maximum dimensions of the cricket bat will be 108 mm in length, 67 mm in depth with 40 mm edges.
The move will come after consultations with club makers, the Federation of International Cricket Associations, International Cricket Council, the MCC World committee, association of referees and other government bodies on the balance between bat and ball.
A club measuring instrument will ensure that the new limits are adhered to in professional games, while there will be an adaptation period allowing players to use their existing clubs in amateur games.
The length of the adjustment period will be determined by Organs local authorities and may vary at different levels of cricket.
Referees will be equipped with a number of sanctions to circumvent misbehavior in the new Code.
The severity of the offenses will vary from Levels 1 to 4, with the referees administering the punishment during the game that they deem appropriate for the offense.
Offenses may vary with demonstration of dissatisfaction with the referee’s decision to commit an act of violence, with sanctions including warnings, winning 5 races by the opposing team and, for more serious offenses, temporary or permanent removal from the pitch.
Other changes in the Laws will include the number of forms of elimination, being reduced from 10 to 9, with the elimination “Loaded the ball – Handled the Ball” being submitted in “Field obstruction – Obstructing the Field”.
In addition, hitters will be protected from “club bounces” in run-out incidents under the new Code.
If the bat (held by the hand) or another part of the batter touched the ground after arriving at the popping crease and contact with the ground is subsequently lost when the wicket is hit, the batter will be protected from elimination if he / she is running or diving and continued in the same direction in the direction of the stumps and beyond.
Bouncing Bat by Neil Wagner
The run out law of the hitter who is not facing the ball has also been changed. The Law will state that if the hitter opposite the shot is outside his / her area from the moment the ball comes into play at the time when the shooter would normally expect to release the ball, the shooter is allowed to attempt the run out.
This will keep the hitter who does not face the ball in his / her area for a little longer than the current Law allows and mirrors the ICC Game Regulations.
O novo Código de Leis também será escrito em linguagem que é neutra para ambos os gêneros pela primeira vez.
Da forma que é escrito atualmente, as Leis fazem todas as referências para o gênero masculino, com um adendo informando que todas as referências se aplicam igualmente à mulheres e meninas.
O novo Código irá incluir um aumento do uso de substantivos genéricos, como ‘fielder’ e ‘bowler’ e uso de ele/ela quando necessário. O termo ‘batsman’ será mantido, entretanto, o termo é visto como parte do jogo e igualmente aplicado para o gênero feminino.
Essa será a primeira vez que o Código de Leis será escrito desde 2000.
John Stephenson, Diretor de Cricket da MCC, disse: “O jogo de cricket evolui de forma considerável desde que o último Código de Leis foi escrito em 2000, tanto que a MCC fez mudanças nesse Código em cinco ocasiões diferentes nos últimos 14 anos.
Nós sentimos que o momento era esse para um novo Código para organizar várias mudanças menores feitas desde 2000. O processo levou quase três anos e envolveu consultas significativas.”
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