Paulo Vítor Campos’s article – Sport Wells

This weekend, Poços Oval, a cricket field located in the south, received the teams from SP Brás and Belo Horizonte. The results were spectacular for the Poços de Caldas team, which beat Belo Horizonte twice on Saturday.

Sunday, the opponent was São Paulo Brás, the current champion of Brazil, and Poços de Caldas again achieved an important victory. The performance of the local team shows the great moment lived, which leaves no doubt that it can already be considered one of the best in Brazil. Patrick Francisco, João Coalhado and Richard Avery were highlights of Poços at the weekend event.

Sports merit

Last Wednesday (02) the Chamber of Poços held a special session to deliver the Diploma of Sports Merit Lázaro Walter Alvisi. The Sports Merit Diploma meets a proposition by councilors Antônio Carlos Pereira (DEM) and Álvaro Cagnani (PSDB). The objective is to honor those who contribute to the development of the sport or stand out in the most diverse categories, at the municipal, state or national levels.

One of the honorees was Development Director Richard Avery, one of the biggest supporters of the Poços de Caldas projects. Richard’s appointment was made by councilman Lucas Arruda, who follows the cricket projects in the city.

Cricket arrived strongly in Poços de Caldas in 2008 and the Englishman Richard Avery arrived in Brazil in 2010 and embraced the project. Today, alongside Matt Featherstone, he is one of the highlights of the team that runs the city’s various projects.

“I am very happy with the recommendation of Richard, a person omnipresent in the cricket of Poços de Caldas, tireless, and does everything for the growth of the sport. If we had ten like him, cricket in Poços de Caldas today would be world champion. A very deserved tribute and that makes me very happy ”, said Matt Featherstone.

Cricket in Poços is supported by Alcoa, Caixa Econômica Federal, NGO Citizenship and Housing, Athletic Association Caldense, Municipality of Poços de Caldas, Hotel Minas Gerais, Municipal Electricity Department, Caixa Econômica Federal, Clínica de Fisioterapia Humanus, Duson. Laboratory Dra. Tânia Medicina Diagnóstica and ICC Mundial.loja virtual